ID                   = CDS/P/Moon/LROC-WAC-GLD100-118m
client_category      = Solar system/Earth/Moon
hips_initial_fov     = 270
hips_initial_ra      = 0
hips_initial_dec     = +0
prov_progenitor      = USGS Astrogeology Science Center from Arizona State University
prov_progenitor_url  =
hips_creator         = Fernique P. (CDS)
hips_frame           = moon
hips_body            = moon
creator_did          = ivo://CDS/P/Moon/LROC-WAC-GLD100-118m
obs_title            = Moon LROC WAC GLD100 118m
obs_description      = Color hillshade of the original WAC GLD100 stereo DTM. This color scheme is used for the upcoming Lunar WAC mosaic and Topographic maps (with Nomenclature) produced by the USGS. For outreach and graphical purposes. Using the GLD100 topography, a color relief was created using Global Mapper and exported to a GeoTiff. This was brought back into ISIS for use in Map-a-Planet 2. Pixels do not contain any of the original explicit elevation information. The colorized shaded-relief represents approximate elevations based on the original topographic data.
hips_overlay         = mean
hips_hierarchy       = median
hips_builder         = Aladin/HipsGen v10.125
hips_version         = 1.4
hips_release_date    = 2019-05-21T07:22Z
hips_order           = 5
hips_tile_width      = 512
hips_status          = public master clonableOnce
hips_tile_format     = jpeg
hips_pixel_scale     = 0.003579
s_pixel_scale        = 0.003906
dataproduct_type     = image
moc_sky_fraction     = 0.9863
hips_estsize         = 289686
hipsgen_date         = 2018-02-06T21:19Z
hipsgen_params       = "hhh=Moon3/Moon.jpg 92160x40448 10112x10112" partitioning=5056 -maxthread=20 in=Moon3 creator_did=CDS/P/Moon/LROC-WA-GLD100-118m -f color=jpg INDEX TILES
hips_creation_date   = 2018-02-06T21:19Z
hips_order_min       = 0
dataproduct_subtype  = color
hipsgen_date_1       = 2019-05-21T07:22Z
hipsgen_params_1     = out=/asd-volumes/sc1-asd-volume6/Planets/CDS_P_Moon_LROC-WAC-GLD100-118m UPDATE
hips_service_url     =
hips_service_url_1   =
hips_status_1        = public mirror clonableOnce
client_application   = AladinDesktopBeta>=10.040 AladinDesktop>=11.125
moc_type             = smoc
moc_order            = 5
obs_initial_ra       = 0
obs_initial_dec      = +0
obs_initial_fov      = 1.8322594196359496
TIMESTAMP            = 1708674182046