ID                   = CDS/P/Moon/Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m
client_category      = Solar system/Earth/Moon
hips_initial_fov     = 180.0
hips_initial_ra      = 0.0
hips_initial_dec     = +0.0
creator_did          = ivo://CDS/P/Moon/Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m
hips_overlay         = mean
hips_hierarchy       = median
hips_creator         = Fernique P. (CDS)
hips_copyright       = Universite de Strasbourg/CNRS
obs_title            = Moon Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m
obs_description      = This near-global mosaic was generated using data from the SELenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE) "Kaguya" Terrain Camera (TC) instrument. TC source data originated as map-projected tiles at ~10 m/pixel spatial resolution. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched the Selenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE, also called "Kaguya") spacecraft to the Moon in September 2007. The mission concluded June 10, 2009 when the spacecraft was intentionally crashed onto the lunar surface. Subsequent data collection and mapping efforts resulted in the largest lunar exploration project since the Apollo program (Haruyama, 2008). The high-performance optical Terrain Camera (TC), a 10-meter spatial resolution stereo-camera, was part of the Lunar Imager/Spectrometer (LISM) instrument suite (Kato, 2007), along with the Multi-band Imager and Spectral Profiler.
obs_descrition_url   =
obs_ack              = For use, refer to the JAXA Conditions for material usage page ( ) and please credit JAXA and the SELENE/Kaguya data. copyright JAXA/SELENE
prov_progenitor      = USGS ( from JAXA (
bib_reference        = MI, 20 m/pixel; Ohtake et al., 2008
bib_reference        = SP; Matsunaga et al., 2008
obs_copyright        = JAXA
obs_copyright_url    =
t_min                = 54344
t_max                = 54992
hips_builder         = Aladin/HipsGen v10.125
hips_version         = 1.4
hips_release_date    = 2019-05-21T06:58Z
hips_frame           = moon
hips_body            = moon
hips_order           = 3
hips_tile_width      = 512
hips_status          = public master clonableOnce
hips_tile_format     = png
hips_pixel_scale     = 0.01431
s_pixel_scale        = 0.01562
dataproduct_type     = image
moc_sky_fraction     = 1
hips_estsize         = 27532
hipsgen_date         = 2017-11-25T17:49Z
hipsgen_params       = in=Moon creator_did=CDS/P/Moon/Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m color=png INDEX TILES
hips_creation_date   = 2017-11-25T18:59Z
hipsgen_date_1       = 2017-11-25T18:31Z
hipsgen_params_1     = creator_did=CDS/P/Moon/Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m color=png -f INDEX TILES
hipsgen_date_2       = 2017-11-26T14:14Z
hipsgen_params_2     = creator_did=CDS/P/Moon/Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m color=jpg -f INDEX TILES
hipsgen_date_3       = 2017-11-26T14:23Z
hipsgen_params_3     = creator_did=CDS/P/Moon/Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m color=jpg -f INDEX TILES
hipsgen_date_4       = 2017-11-26T14:27Z
hipsgen_params_4     = creator_did=CDS/P/Moon/Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m color=png -f INDEX TILES
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hipsgen_date_5       = 2019-05-21T06:57Z
hipsgen_params_5     = out=/asd-volumes/sc1-asd-volume6/Planets/CDS_P_Moon_Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m UPDATE
dataproduct_subtype  = color
hipsgen_date_6       = 2019-05-21T06:58Z
hipsgen_params_6     = out=/asd-volumes/sc1-asd-volume6/Planets/CDS_P_Moon_Kaguya-Evening-V04-474m UPDATE
hips_service_url     =
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hips_status_1        = public mirror clonableOnce
client_application   = AladinDesktopBeta>=10.040 AladinDesktop>=11.125
moc_type             = stmoc
moc_time_order       = 25
moc_time_range       = 1
moc_order            = 3
obs_initial_ra       = 0.0
obs_initial_dec      = +0.0
obs_initial_fov      = 7.3290376785437985
TIMESTAMP            = 1708674179626